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Re: X11 configuration

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On Apr 10, 2009, at 8:24 PM, T. M. Pederson wrote:


On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 20:15:26 -0400
Michael <macallan%netbsd.org@localhost> wrote:
On Apr 10, 2009, at 6:12 PM, T. M. Pederson wrote:

if you just start the Xserver itself, then start an xterm via ssh and
close it again?

Closing the xterm gets an (almost) immediate lockup. I say "almost" as the pts in which I'd launched xterm had enought time to follow up with
the usual prompt before everthing went tango uniform.

Or, to be explicit:
oasis$ xterm
oasis$ Connection closed by foreign host.

Ok, so it's the Xserver exiting.

I take it closing the xterm (I typed exit at the xterm's prompt),
closes X, too?

Yes, when the last client exits the Xserver will either exit or restart.

Try this before startx:
sysctl -w ddb.commandonenter=reboot
If it's a panic that should reboot the machine and hopefully preserve
the panic message in the dmesg buffer.

Oooh. I'd been completely overlooking this (in spite of recent threads
elsewhere mentioning it). Thanks!

Although, sysctl.conf already has ddb.onpanic=0, which I'd expect to
take precedence?

I'm not sure, I never used that - please remove it, maybe it has some
funny side effects like suppressing the panic message. Maybe the mini
gets stuck trying to reboot which wouldn't be too unusual given the

That wouldn't surprise me either.

Hmm, this gets nothing: The dmesg buffer just has the kernel boot

So it did reboot with this?

Unfortunately, no. It got the same hang, needing a power cycle to clear.

There goes the dmesg buffer.

I forgot the syntax to cram more than one command in there - maybe try
'bt;reboot" hoping that would give us a backtrace?

That looks promising. Although it'll be a bit before I can give that a

Btw. are you using genfb or radeonfb now?

genfb. I'm still using the 5.0_RC3 GENERIC.

Please try radeonfb just to see if it makes any difference.

I have another idea. Please run pcictl pci0 dump -d <whatever device number your radeon is on, pcictl pci0 list should tell you> before starting X, then start X like before, just with an xterm, run the same command and look for differences in the BARs. If the Xserver feels like messing with the BARs then whatever console driver we use would cause a panic immediately when trying to write video memory. I don't really see evidence of this but who knows.

have fun

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