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Re: WLAN on Jornada?

* Valeriy E. Ushakov (uwe%ptc.spbu.ru@localhost) wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 00:17:46 +0200, Stefan Schumacher wrote:
> > Shall I pass some options to the Kernel or am I required to recompile it?
> > If so, how do I have to configure the Kernel?
> You need to add a line 
>     wi* at pcmcia0 function ?
> to the kernel config.  hpcsh's GENERIC config didn't have it at the
> time I made the snapshot, so GENERIC doesn't recognize it.  I've added
> it to GENERIC recently.

After checking out new sources I found 
        wi* at pcmcia0 function ? 
I guess it wasn't there in my old GENERIC.

> If you want to do a quick test, I've put my kernel at:
>     http://snark.ptc.spbu.ru/~uwe/netbsd/jornada/netbsd-NADA.bz2

It works,
bolshoe spasibo :-)
If you work hard enough at it, you can make today's version of Windows
work almost as well as 4.3BSD worked 20 years ago.

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