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Re: booting Beaglebone Black

On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 09:10:48AM +0200, Dr. Nicola Mingotti wrote:
> 2. Beware of ntpd
>    Today I booted without the network connection and I got
>    stuck a few times. if you plan not to have
>    the Ethernet cable always in, then better to disable ntpd,
>    just to start.

Does it hang or just delay boot by ~60 seconds?

I'd expect dhcpcd to wait a bit before giving up (maybe like 15s), but the
ntpd startup should just happen in the background.

Maybe ntpdate is enabled and causes a DNS timeout delay (which would be 
probably 60s).

I usually prefer adding -g to ntpd_flags over ntpdate=YES, but with SoCs
that have no real time clock waiting during boot for initial time 
setting makes sense (which is what ntpdate=YES does).


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