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Re: Orange Pi 5 Plus

On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 19:45:49 +0200
Tobias Nygren <tnn%NetBSD.org@localhost> wrote:

> Hmm. I need to reinstall my board anyway to test and merge some PRs so
> I might as well do it now and write down the steps.

This should be enough to get you started.

# Orange Pi 5 Plus Quick Start

## Flash EDK2 To Board
Remove all drives and SD card.
Connect USB type-C to type-A lead between USB-C connector
next to MASKROM button and a NetBSD laptop.
Hold MASKROM button while connecting power supply to
DC_IN (other) type-C connector. Maskrom device should appear:

ugen0: vendor 2207 (0x2207) product 350b (0x350b), rev 2.00/1.00, addr 5

Install `sysutils/rkdeveloptool` from pkgsrc. Make sure it can see the board:
# rkdeveloptool ld
DevNo=1	Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=100	Maskrom

Transfer SPL loader to RAM (the one from Radxa Rock5 works):
# rkdeveloptool db rk3588_spl_loader_v1.15.113.bin
Downloading bootloader succeeded.

Flash SPI:
# rkdeveloptool wl 0 orangepi-5plus_UEFI_Release_v0.10.img
Write LBA from file (100%)

Remove USB-C and power off board.
Connect FTDI LvTTL serial console at 1.5 MBAUD.
!!!Note TX/RX is swapped compared to a Raspberry Pi or ROCKPro64.
HDMI console not supported in UEFI mode yet.
With no drives attached, the board will power on into the EDK2 menu
after some time. Press Escape when the screen clears to get there faster.

## Prepare NetBSD installer USB Stick
# curl -LO https://nyftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/latest/images/NetBSD-10.99.11-evbarm-aarch64-install.img.gz
# gunzip NetBSD-10.99.11-evbarm-aarch64-install.img.gz
# dd if=NetBSD-10.99.11-evbarm-aarch64-install.img of=/dev/rsd0d bs=64k conv=sync

## Prepare Second USB Stick (target root device)
# gpt destroy sd1
# gpt create -f sd1

## Install NetBSD
Plug in both USB sticks and power cycle the board. NetBSD sysinst will launch.
Choose default settings. It knows it should install in EFI mode and
will create two important GPT partitions, /boot (type ESP) and / (type FFSv2).
Remove installation media and reboot.

It will get stuck at "setting TTY flags." due to some bug.
Boot into single user mode and remove `ttyflags -a` from /etc/rc.d/ttys
to work around this issue.



Does not work:

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