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Re: My first try installing

On Sat, Jun 08, 2024 at 04:16:35PM GMT, Lloyd Parkes wrote:

> I almost got my Jetson Nano to boot.

Thanks, this will be very useful.

> I have an early mode Jetson Nano with a revision A02 carrier
> board. I may well have upgraded the onboard firmware at some distant
> time in the past. I used a serial to USB cable. I am not "correctly"
> powering my Jetson, others may have more luck than me.

> If I boot my Jetson Nano with no SD Card in it then I eventually get
> a U-Boot 2020.04 banner, a "Hit any key to stop autoboot:" prompt
> and when the prompt times out it tries to boot from the
> ethernet. This is good because we need U-Boot to boot NetBSD.

Does this mean the "extract uboot from pkgsrc" step is unnecessary?

> I then copied the Nvidia Linux image to a µSD and mounted that card
> on a Linux laptop. I copied the file
> boot/kernel_tegra210-p3448-0000- p3449-0000-b00.dtb onto my
> laptop. This is the devicetree file I talked about earlier. There
> are a huge pile of .dtbo files that are devicetree overlay files
> which are only needed to describe optional extra hardware and I
> ignored them. I then copied kernel_tegra210-p3448-0000-p3449-
> 0000-b00.dtb into the dtb directory on the MS-DOS partition of a µSD
> card with NetBSD on it.

I had not done this during my attempt because I assumed the needed dtb
files were already in the u-boot image I extracted and dutifully dd'ed
onto the beginning of the SD card. Was that a misconception?


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