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Re: raspberry pi Zero W reboots and kernel panic

ea1abz%gmail.com@localhost (Ramiro Aceves) writes:

>I did the usual settings for the first time login: root user password,
>normal user, spanish keyboard, timezone and wireless setup. Everything
>seemed to work ok and I was happy,  I had network working fine.

>Soon I realized that there were no ready compiled packages,

There are compiled packages at


You can set


in /etc/pkg_install.conf

and use pkg_add to install packages.

>$CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -danoncvs%anoncvs.NetBSD.org@localhost:/cvsroot checkout -P pkgsrc

>After some time, I got reboots and kernel panics.

It would be necessary to see the panic messages to understand what
is happening.

There is also a chance that the problems are hardware related, the
RPI boards are known to be sensitive to power supply problems. Please
describe your hardware setup.

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