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raspberry pi Zero W reboots and kernel panic


I own a Raspberry pi ZeroW board and after sometime using Linux in it
I wanted to give a try with BSD. After reading FreeBSD,  OpenBSD and
NetBSD supported hardware specifications, I came to the conclusion
that only NetBSD-10 would support the built in wireless card.

I installed the image of NetBSD-10Beta on the SD card (also the latest
Current with same behaviour) :


I did the usual settings for the first time login: root user password,
normal user, spanish keyboard, timezone and wireless setup. Everything
seemed to work ok and I was happy,  I had network working fine.

Soon I realized that there were no ready compiled packages, so I
decided to chekout source repositores just to see if it works:

$CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -danoncvs%anoncvs.NetBSD.org@localhost:/cvsroot checkout -P pkgsrc

After some time, I got reboots and kernel panics.

Also tried to download tar.xz file.

Download went ok but after loooong time of descompressing the tar
ball, I get kernel panics and unexpected reboots. After several tries
I gave up, it was impossible to get a packages source tree in place at

I do not know if I am doing something wrong, I will appreciate your
help or guidelines. This week end I will be out of home but I can send
you detailed information /var/log/messages if required or making the
tests you consider.


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