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Re: Xfce 4.14 and Firefox Browser for armv7

LLVM build succeeded. Some problems with rust build: rust-bootstrap/bin/cargo: shared object "libssl.so.12" not found.

I 'll try to solve the problem on my own. If it fails, I will contact pkgsrc-users@

Thanks to All!

07.06.2020, 07:43, "Dmitrii Postolov" <dpostolov%yandex.ru@localhost>:
> After creating the swap file of 2GB, build has successfully continued from 72% and is currently 75%. When Firefox build is complete, I 'll let you know.
> Thanks to All!
> 06.06.2020, 20:54, "T. M. Pederson" <tmp+nbpa%disfinite.org@localhost>:
>>  On Fri, 05 Jun 2020 18:59:38 +0500
>>  Dmitrii Postolov <dpostolov%yandex.ru@localhost> wrote:
>>>   > Did you look in /var/log/messages?
>>>   In /var/log/messages one of the end line: armv7 conftest - - - buffer overflow detected; terminated.
>>>   I don't have an external ssd, so I'll try to do a swap 4GB on usb flash tomorrow.
>>>   Thanks to All!
>>  Benchmark: NetBSD 9.0 (GENERIC) on RPi 2 with 1 GB RAM & 2 GB swapfile.
>>  pkgsrc-2020Q1 lang/llvm built in about 19 hours.
>>  I didn't track it too closely during the build. I did notice swap usage
>>  near 33% at one point.
> ---
> best regards,
> Dmitrii Postolov
> dpostolov%yandex.ru@localhost


best regards,
Dmitrii Postolov

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