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Re: ongoing vi issues ....

On 04/14/15 10:34, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
On 04/14/15 09:43, Christos Zoulas wrote:
In article <552D17BB.6030406%hiwaay.net@localhost>,
William A. Mahaffey III <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> wrote:

Apr 14 08:25:46 kabini1 kernel: pid 1517 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11
Apr 14 08:26:22 kabini1 kernel: pid 2099 (rxvt), uid 1110: exited on
signal 11

The last 2 lines are from the crashed session on the NetBSD box ....
This could well be some obscure case of incompatible interactions,
however it *is* a plague for me :-/ .... Need anything else, please ask.
TIA & have a good one ....
Yes, but the crash is on the FreeBSD side. Try using xterm instead of rxvt
or ask for help in the FreeBSD lists.


Yeah, but it only happens when shelled into NetBSD-7 on the RPiB+, nowhere else, including various linux boxen, i.e. it seems to be the specific combo of ssh in from FBSD 9.3R under rxvt/tcsh *to* NetBSD-7 evbarm-earmv6hf .... i.e. only unique factor is NetBSD-7 (beta :-) ) involvement ....

P.S. I did post it to Freebsd-questions, we'll see what happens there .... Thanks, BTW :-) ....


	William A. Mahaffey III


	"The M1 Garand is without doubt the finest implement of war
	 ever devised by man."
                           -- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

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