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Re: Suggestions wanted


> (four) Also regarding memory (this is a long shot): Has anyone heard
> of or does anyone know of any way to get a CyberStorm to recognise
> 128 meg SIMMs? I have two 128 meg SIMMs in my Blizzard 1260, but when
> I put them on the CyberStorm, they appear as only 32 megs each.

Once I had problem with 32MB SIMMs.  They were recognized as 16MB on
some machines (both Amiga, including CSPPC and PC-clones).  Maybe it is
the same problem with your SIMMs?

Also, you can use motherboards memory on NetBSD by using -n2 option
(both bootblock and loadbsd).  Remove that option if you want only
CSPPC memory.

        kind regards

                - Adam

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