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Re: Accessing the floppy ?

On Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 11:06:22PM +0100, Klaus Gillarek wrote:
> Ignatios Souvatzis schrieb in einer persoenlichen Nachricht ueber "Re:
> Accessing the floppy ?":
> > We can't currently create (or write at all) ADOS file systems.
> > 
> > newfs /dev/rfd0a creates BSD ffs on Amiga bit format
> One silly question, such a BSD disk couldn't be read with NetBSD
> on PCs?

You are right, it can't.

a) the bit format is not readable by PC hardware. This can't be fixed.

There is an additional issue:

b) even if you use fd0b on Amiga: FFS is endianess-sensitive.

You can either build a kernel, that understands both FFS endiannesses
(add options FFS_EI; see "man 4 options"), or use fsck -B le to convert to
little-endianess for the PC, ort fsck -B be to convert to bib-endianness, 
for Amiga, Atari, Mac, Hp300, Sparc, and a few others.


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