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more X11 problems with 1.4


Can somebody be so kind and tell me which stupid error I made? :)

I'm not able to start X11 since upgrading from 1.3.x to 1.4. After
typing 'startx', the screen mode changes and I see some garbage it.
So far it works. But then X11 quits, dumps an Xamiga.core and dis-
plays the following messages:

WARNING: converted MAP_PRIVATE device mapping to MAP_SHARED (pid
270 comm Xamiga)
[message appears twice]

X connection to :0.0 broken...

I'm using grf5, if it helps. Thanks in advance.

   _  Frank Wille (frank%phoenix.owl.de@localhost)
_ //  http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/   Phx @ #AmigaGer

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