Hello Frédéric,
Frédéric Fauberteau writes:
I am seeing for packaging ffx264 (https://ffx264.teambelgium.net/) and
there is as requirement:
- FFmpeg compiled with support for the following libraries:
o libx264
o libfdk-aac
o libopus
o libmp3lame
o libvorbis
o z library (zimg)
For instance, fdk-aac is not in PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS of ffmpegX.
Is there a proper way to "enforce" options for a dependency? If
is already installed without all wanted options, it should be rebuild
with the correct ones...
I seen nothing in this sense. For now, my option is a MESSAGE file
gives these requirement.
I think they can be checked via PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ffmpegX and then
conditionally add a PKG_FAIL_REASON if ffmpegX was not built with
those options, e.g. (WARNING, I have not tested it!):
.include "../../multimedia/ffmpegX/buildlink3.mk"
.if !empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.ffmpegX:Mfdk-aac)
PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "ffmpeg was not built with fdk-aac support"