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Re: Disabling framebuffer at boot time

Le Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 10:22:48AM +0000, RVP a écrit :
> [...]
> Why not just replace /sbin/init with a script which a) writes out the
> dmesg to /var/tmp/ b) replaces self with /sbin/init and c) reboots.
> Then, you can mount the FFS partition in Debian and check the log file.

The problem is that the system does not come up: I have verified that
nothing was written in /var: no dmesg, nothing. It simply stalls,
not panicking, and doesn't come to userland, doesn't reach init. 

> PS. Can one dump the kernel message buffer to a raw disk partition? Does
> NetBSD have such a facility? (I know that the Android Linux kernel can
> do this.)

This is a question I have too. There was at one moment a tarfs system,
if I'm not mistaken but writing sequentially lines to the swap partition
for example is simpler.

The problem is, even if there were such a facility,
the kernel needs to reach the point where, at least, it can access the
disks. My problem is very likely before, since the kernel doesn't even
panic and reboot.
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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