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Re: NetBSD 8 VPS server refusing to reboot: please help

Hello Mayuresh and all who are interested in a NetBSD VPS in Europe

Am 30.11.2020 um 11:55 schrieb Mayuresh:
On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 11:33:55AM +0100, Matthias Petermann wrote:
The name Hetzner was mentioned there, and someone also wrote that they have
provided the NetBSD-ISO for installation there on request.

Yes I have a couple of VPS instances of NetBSD on Hetzner.

NetBSD isn't a stock OS at Hetzner. But you can request to mount a custom
ISO by providing its URL. Very few cloud providers seem to provide custom
iso.  Some provide but charge for it. In that respect Hetzner appears
really the best to me. The prices are competitive as well.

Only feature I sometimes miss is nested virtualization. I guess some large
cloud providers provide it, but they are costlier as well.

after my enquiry and a short correspondence with Hetzner support this morning I was confirmed that the NetBSD 9.1 ISO is now available to all customers by default and no longer needs to be requested separately for each project :-)

Many greetings

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