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Re: upgrading 5.x to 6.1.5 or 7?

I ran the update last night, initially 5.2 -> 6.1.5, it mostly worked but when I rebooted after etcupdate'ing (which, has a _lot_ of "um? I dunno?" questions!) it wouldn't mount / r/w, kept complaining that /etc/rc.d/swap1 was finding /dev/wd0b busy. I could remount / and then stuff seemed to work ok, but it wouldn't boot up without a manual remount (mount -u -w / ).

So I backed out.

Any suggestions for why that might have happened?

fstab has :

/dev/wd0a               /       ffs     rw               1 1
/dev/wd0b               none    swap    sw,dp            0 0
kernfs          /kern   kernfs  rw
ptyfs           /dev/pts        ptyfs   rw
procfs          /proc   procfs  rw
/dev/cd0a               /cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto

I don't *think* I let etcupdate modify fstab, it looked the same as the above and /etc/rc.d/swap1 seems also to be the same. Something changed in the way NetBSD mounts swap space between 5 and 6? Or did I stuff up something else?


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