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Re: Documentation on setting up smtp

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 02:07:41PM +0100, Matthias Scheler wrote:
> There is a better way to fix which doesn't require client configuration
> changes:

That's a nicer way to fix it since it's not client dependent. Wonder when
postfix treats envelope sender as sender and when it treats "From:"
address as sender. It's not intuitive to me. In the option you suggest it
has to treat the latter as the sender.

On the contrary I see it as an issue that every user on the system has to
go to root to get the passwords entered. Probably that would be a
limitation since the server needs authentication details to, for example,
retry sending a message etc.

Client side sendmail invocation meets above need, but then of course lacks
spooling etc.

Is there any golden mean of these?


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