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ACPI0007 ? Anyone know what it is?

This is just (well mostly) curiosity, it doesn't seem to
affect anything that I know about, but during autoconfig,
the kernel (any 9.99.x I have tried I think) prints

   acpi0: autoconfiguration error: failed to activate ACPI0007

64 times during the boot sequence (this one is from 9.99.105)

I was just wondering what I apparently have so much of that
this would appear so often (the other "failed to activate"
messages I get seem to just occur once).

The only thing that I'm aware of that I have 64 of is 64GB ram,
but that's on just 2 DIMMs, and it is hard to believe that something
is existing for each individual GB.

Before I actually counted, when I just watched them scroll past (very
quickly) during the boot, I guessed that it was perhaps once per CPU,
but 64 CPUs, no matter how you count them, is way more than I have,
so I doubt it is that.

Anyone know ACPI well enough to know what that is?


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