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Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Re: /var/db/entropy-file not present

    Date:        Thu, 12 Nov 2015 21:09:27 +0100 (CET)
    Message-ID:  <>

  | ... random_seed start/stop works perfectly when called manually.

That's not really indicative of anything, when you run it the system is
fully set up, witrh everything available.  But from the startup/shutdown
system, random_seed is one of the first scripts run at startup (before all
of the system exists) and thus is also one of the last run at shutdown
(after much has already been removed).

But ...

  | So the question is why it isn't called on shutdown

Yes, and ...

  | (I always use "halt -p" to stop the system, rarly I use "reboot").

That would be the answer.   See halt(8) where it says ...

     This command will stop the system without running any shutdown(8)
     scripts.  Amongst other things, this means that swapping will not be
     disabled so that raid(4) can shutdown cleanly.  You should normally use
     shutdown(8) unless you are running in single user mode.

halt (and reboot) are for single user mode, and for emergency use.

For normal use, always use shutdown(8) ("shutdown -p now" to power
off the system as close to immediately as is consistent with a clean shutdown).


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