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Re: proplist

der Mouse wrote:
> > Ugliness is highly subjective.  This form can be considered ugly
> > because it has a lot of completely extraneous double quotes.  For
> > example.
> Not completely extraneous.  _Something_ has to delimit strings, 

Well, actually, no.  It would be much better if nothing did.  

Nhat makes a good case for XML tools in base, the virtues of XML

But if we're going to talk about optimal formats -- and binary formats --
couldn't we at least admit the possibility of a tool *designed* for the
purpose?  Something decidedly old-fashioned and dependable.  And backed by
its own algebra!  

SQLite is in the public domain.  Unlike any XML anything, it enforces
referential integrity.  SQL is not my favorite query language except for
most others; its shortcomings begin after most others' features end. 
Exporting relational data in XML format is old hat, importing can be done
from a variety formats.  (I've never seen a database loading tool that
read JSON, but I'm actually glad for that.)  

To argue the merits of file formats in 2010 for anything more complex than
/etc/hosts is to overlook 30 years of experience with relational
databases.  You perhaps associate them with IBM and glass houses, but
SQLite will change your mind in terms of speed and footprint.  

I know: you can't read it with a text editor, and you can't salvage a
partly corrupted file.  On the other hand, a *file* doesn't do anything to
make sure the data are correct in the first place.  And when was the last
time a disk corrupted a file that you could fix?  I'd bet the mangler was
at some higher level, e.g. application or human.     

Until we can do predicate logic in XML, let's use soemthing that can.  


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