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Re: Switching default version of PHP/RUBY and retirement...

>> Is the continued existence of php56 causing anyone work?
> Yes. For example, I'm regularly reading bulk build reports and
> currently there are php56-imagemagick and (in some) php56-intl there -
> I have to remember if it was broken before or if I should investigate
> it for recent breakage.

I think you mean graphics/php-imagick, and I looked at that briefly.  It
doesn't seem to be a php56 issue.   It looks like upstream expects
pkg-config and we don't have USE_TOOLS.  I added that and it helped a
lot.  But now I'm running into the problem that my build has not bl3d
pkgsrc fontconfig but apparently ImageMagick itself did.

Why this doesn't happen with later php is beyond me, but it seems to be
a php-imagick packaging or perhaps upstream bug.

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