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Re: Remove of Ruby 1.9.2 support

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 01:11:45PM +0900, OBATA Akio wrote:
 > Before pkgsrc-2012Q1, default ruby was switched to 1.9.3.
 > I feel that a half year is sufficient for migration.

...but changing the default is not the same as announcing that we're
about to remove the older one.

 > >Also theoretically we're supposed to announce package removals one
 > >full quarterly branch ahead of actually doing them.
 > For this case, ruby-1.9.2 v.s. 1.9.3, it is micro version differ.

Well, yes, but if it weren't important, we wouldn't have both versions

I would still prefer removing it after the branch (and not necessarily
worry about whether e.g. a rails update breaks it) but I'm not going
to argue any further.

David A. Holland

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