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Re: I'm trying to make a 6rd pseudo-device

    Date:        Mon, 24 Jan 2011 15:05:19 +0100
    From:        Ignatios Souvatzis <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | As far as I read 6RD, it's just like 6to4, just with a different
  | (and normally longer) prefix than 2002::/16 ?

And a magic IPv4 address that needs to be configured per site,
rather than simply copied from the RFC into the code.

  | 6to4 should certainly be implementable as a special case of a 6rd
  | driver,

Yes, that's the way to approach it.

  | or stf should be easily extandable.

And that's probably the way to achieve it.   Aside from
anything else, stf is a "nicer" interface name than "sixrd",
and (unfortunately) "6rd" won't work I don't think.

  | So there's a small integer parameter more - the position of
  | the embedded IPv4 relay address.

The number of bits of that address might also need to be
configured (where the less significant bits are the ones that
are used - the upper bits would be configured elsewhere).

There's also the v4 address of the border router, which is
not a constant in 6rd as it is in 6to4.

And while a 6to4 would (or should, or perhaps just could)
reject attempts to use 1924 addresses as the basis for the
v6 prefix, 6rd can't do that.


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