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Re: Keeping up to date with -current with a cross-compiler

At 0:14 Uhr -0500 13.12.2011, Michael wrote:
>Sure, you can find UW-SCSI or ATA cards with Apple firmware which would be
>directly bootable but these would likely be expensive, difficult to find,
>for the questionable benefit of one less disk ( which you could scsictl
>stop right after booting in order to get rid of noise & heat output )

Hm, I just checked - I paid 19 EUR for the two-channel ATTO ultra-scsi
controller in my B/W G3 (it came with the Apple crippled Adaptec 2930, but
that was really flaky), and 8.50 EUR for a surprisingly quiet Seagate
Cheetah 10.7 73GB disk, both plus shipping.

So, unless you need TBytes of storage, SCSI is still a viable alternative.
You'd have to take your time, and wait for an affordable offer, though.


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)

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