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Re: Booting original iMac

With the video set to 16-bit ("thousands") via MacOS X, machfb text
console works on NetBSD-5.0_STABLE GENERIC.

On Thu, 11 Mar 2010, Michael wrote:

On Mar 11, 2010, at 3:39 PM, John D. Baker wrote:

I described problems booting -current on the iMac (hangs after message
about waiting for SCSI devices to settle).  I built and tried 5.0_STABLE,
but it has the same problem as -current.
I seriously doubt it's the SCSI chip, that's just (one of) the last line(s) displayed. At that time the kernel will also probe for USB devices and a bunch of other things, any of which could cause the hang.

machfb clears the screen after attachment, so I can only see the last
few lines before the hang:

wsdisplay0 at machfb0 kbdmux 1: console (default, vt100 emulation)
ohci0 at pci0 dev 20 function 0: Opti 82C861 (rev. 0x10)
ohci0: interrupting at irq 28
ohci0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb0 at ohci0: USB vevision 1.0
biomask 80003fe netmask 80003fe ttymask 80003fe
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...

You don't need any of the devices that attach to adb, only adb itself ( or alternatively, cuda ). The iMac doesn't have any actual ADB hardware, you still need the adb driver to access the real time clock and to reboot the machine. Yes, the driver's name is misleading, it does more than just provide access to ADB.
In 5.0 - does the kernel probe USB and IDE devices before hanging?
Also, does anything change if you get rid of adb and use cuda instead?
( cuda does what adb does, only with clean separation of the actual ADB support code, a bunch of bug fixes and support for an i2c bus which is needed only on beige G3s so far )

I changed BONDI(-nb5.txt) to disable "adb at obio" and all "foo at adb"
then enabled cuda (and nadb).  It made no observable difference.  It
hangs just as shown above.

Thanks for the help.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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