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Fwd: NetBSD 8.0 on a Mac IIsi

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Från: Bjarne Bäckström <m9411%abc.se@localhost>
Ämne: Re: NetBSD 8.0 on a Mac IIsi
Datum: 2 januari 2019 18:17:31 CET
Till: David Brownlee <abs%absd.org@localhost>

2 jan. 2019 kl. 15:15 skrev David Brownlee <abs%absd.org@localhost>:

On Fri, 21 Dec 2018 at 21:45, Bjarne Bäckström <m9411%abc.se@localhost> wrote:

 Had intended to install it on a Performa 450, but that machine popped a few capacitors after having been unused for a couple of years. So instead I decided to try a IIsi with 65 MB of RAM.

 Installation (the whole kaboodle including pkgsrc) went without any trouble at all, and I managed to get ssh and X forwarding working, so I could continue with configuration via a ”familiar” keyboard. Also compiled and installed Lynx.

 Sometimes the IIsi actually felt ”snappier” than the Performa running NetBSD 7.x, probably because the IIsi has nearly twice as much RAM, and therefore doesn’t have to swap ”all of the time”.

 Kudos to the maintainers!

There is just something about seeing old hardware running new software :)

Mmmm... I wonder if netsurf (or dillo) would run on the IIsi....


  Yea! I should have sent a special Thank You! to Martin Husemann also, for his patched Booter. It did its job splendidly on an 18GB HD.

  Unfortunately, this IIsi too popped some capacitor(s) after having been off line while I was moving to a new apartment and celebrating Christmas and New Year. So, now I have three IIsi, two Performa 450 and one Portable awaiting ”recapping”, which will happen — sooner or later…

  I ran dillo on a Performa 450 under NetBSD 7.x, and I think it would run fine on a IIsi also, if given enough RAM.


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