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Re: Booting /NetBSD-daily/netbsd-4/200807120002Z on my TT030

From: David Ross <dross%pobox.com@localhost>

> Consequently, the highest version of NetBSD I've been able to install on 
> TT030 so far is 1.6.1.
> In the past few months I've actually done quite a bit of work in my spare 
> time getting my TT030 set up with NetBSD 1.6.1.  I've documented 
> up on a wiki here:
> http://netbsd-ataritt.wikia.com

Nice set of pages there! Could you add a link to it from 

Btw, what happens if you install 1.6 and then after install put a netbsd 2 
or 3 kernel in place instead?

Out of curiosity do you know if there are any emulators which could 
run/test NetBSD/atari?

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