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Re: RPI3 lightening bolt and firmware files

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 07:11:47PM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
> On raspbian I never got lightning bolt. And at some point, prior to
> raspbian I have used NetBSD on it (7 or 8 not recollecting) with no
> lightning bolt problem. (It was there, but was solved by copying firmware
> files.)

Hi Andy, I just got what was happening before when I was not getting
lightning bolt.

Till now, I was using an external HDD with a Y cable, that was supplying
additional power to 3B+. This cable was in use with NetBSD as well as
raspbian and they never caused lightening bolt problem (except initially
with NetBSD when firmware indeed needed an upgrade).

While switching from raspbian to NetBSD9.1 I removed the HDD and used a
USB stick instead, but that took away that extra cushion of power supply.

Now I have attached the Y cable, without attaching the disk and it's
working fine.

I agree, it's a hardware fault really if you have taken the current
readings and the reality doesn't match the spec. Nevertheless here is this


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