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Re: TS7200_INSTALL kernel problem solved - kernel too big!

In message: <200812111413.mBBED4MP018118%hedwig.cmf.nrl.navy.mil@localhost>
            Ken Hornstein <kenh%cmf.nrl.navy.mil@localhost> writes:
: I think the only real long-term solution is that someone needs to write
: a bootblock for NetBSD that can be stored in flash.  That looks like it
: will be a pain, as it will have to have enough knowledge to talk to the
: CF card (unless it could ask RedBoot to do that, much like BIOS services
: on a PC, but I don't see anything that implies that is possible).  So
: much code, so little time ...

u-boot has those features now, but not redboot.


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