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Build error, NetBSD for NSLU2 on Debian Linux, Missing files in target checkflist

To build NetBSD for the NSLU2 I have executed the following set of commands:

./build.sh -m evbarm -a armeb tools
./build.sh -u -m evbarm -a armeb kernel=NPE_NSLU2
(Note: NPE_NSLU2 is a copy of the NSLU2 configuration file, with support for msdosfs enabled)
./build.sh -U -u -m evbarm -a armeb build
./build.sh -U -u -m evbarm -a armeb release

All appear to have been successful except the last, where I get the following error message:

======  280 missing files in DESTDIR  ========

Files in flist but missing from DESTDIR.

File wasn't installed ?











========  end of 280 missing files  ==========

*** Failed target:  checkflist

*** Failed command: cd /home/hayford/usr/src/distrib/sets && DESTDIR=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/destdir.evbarm MACHINE=evbarm MACHINE_ARCH=armeb CKSUM=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-2.6.18-5-686-unknown/bin/nbcksum DB=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-2.6.18-5-686-unknown/bin/nbdb HOST_SH=/bin/sh MAKE=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-2.6.18-5-686-unknown/bin/nbmake MKTEMP=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-2.6.18-5-686-unknown/bin/nbmktemp MTREE=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-2.6.18-5-686-unknown/bin/nbmtree PAX=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-2.6.18-5-686-unknown/bin/nbpax TSORT=/home/hayford/usr/src/obj/tooldir.Linux-2.6.18-5-686-unknown/bin/nbtsort\ -q /bin/sh /home/hayford/usr/src/distrib/sets/checkflist -M /home/hayford/usr/src/obj/destdir.evbarm/METALOG.sanitised

*** Error code 1


Note, I added some <CR/LF>s to the *** Failed command: line to make it more readable.

Any clues? I don't remember seeing any "tests.tgz" files anywhere in the source tree?

Thanks for your help...

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