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Re: Insights from successful, yet painful, install attempt.

There are some newer packages here, which is updated weekly:
Or here, which is updated several times a week:

I'll try and figure out how to set a different repository. I suppose
it defaults to a "9.2" which is very outdated.

9.2 corresponds to 2021Q2, and we're only at 2021Q3, so it shouldn't be too outdated.

You should be able to switch by just setting your PKG_PATH to http://pkg.zia.io/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/m68k/9.0_2021Q3/All/, for example.

Trying to get gtk3 built looks like a good idea, before attempting else.

I'll report back about gtk3.

We have ctwm, fvwm, icewm, matchbox, blackbox, for starters, in 2021Q3 :)

i3 would be nice. If not possible, at least dwm.

Added to the queue :)

Speedwise, emulation isn't exactly ready yet, but there's lots of
excellent work going on right now. Jake Hamby is working on an Amiga qemu
target, there's Tetsuya Isaki's nono emulator, and Twitter user astr0baby
has been posting about NetBSD/mac68k running in qemu incredibly quickly on
an M1 Mac.

Interesting. I hadn't heard about any of these efforts.

Here's a random bit about Jake's work (he posts lots about qemu and non-qemu, so you'll have to look around):


Here's Isaki's nono page. It's in pkgsrc now.


And here are some links showing astr0baby's cool work:


Is building with crossdev a possibility, with pkgsrc? It would take
care of both RAM and build speed issues.

No, not really. Most packages are made in a way which presumes they'll compile and run on the same machine architecture. Some build one part of the project, then run that part to build other parts, which can't be done with a cross compile.

As an aside, there's now an LLVM option (v13 with m68k support has
just been released). I suspect it'll take a while until it is usable
with netbsd.

I'm looking forward to playing with that :)


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