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Re: Insights from successful, yet painful, install attempt.

On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 at 06:29, John Klos <john%ziaspace.com@localhost> wrote:
> > i3 would be nice. If not possible, at least dwm.
> Added to the queue :)
Got X working, so this is very appreciated.

But pkgin doesn't find it, with your repo (which has it) as the top
one in pkgin's config. This leads me to believe the pkg_summary isn't
up to date.

Also, pkgin will use the bz2 pkg_summary, which is very slow to unpack
on 68030. Maybe it'd be best to only provide the gz?

> Here's a random bit about Jake's work (he posts lots about qemu and
> non-qemu, so you'll have to look around):
> https://twitter.com/jhamby/status/1446285928390021121
> Here's Isaki's nono page. It's in pkgsrc now.
> http://www.pastel-flower.jp/~isaki/nono/
> And here are some links showing astr0baby's cool work:
> https://twitter.com/astr0baby/status/1440185544403685377
> https://twitter.com/astr0baby/status/1440766816096190464

Cool stuff, but nono is m88k, which is a different beast (Motorola's
attempt at RISC).

-- Roc

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