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Re: mktool support for fetch

This is my final reply on this thread.
First of all, I would like to acknowledge that my “democracy argument” was exaggerated, I was simply trying to make a point and the discussion derailed after that.
Yes, as pointed out, I’m aware that elected representatives take decisions on behalf of electors and that not everything is conducted through a referendum. Although, decisions are often communicated and information about it are public domain which, is clearly not the case here.
With this out of the way, I would still like to address what really pissed me off and triggered the whole discussion, which didn’t end-up where I would like it to be. The annoying part here is the lack of transparence. It started with a discussion where some want/would like to have this integrated and some did not, a rather standard and healthy discussion. But, all of the sudden,
> It's a group decision that nonportable solution are not acceptable

End of discussion.
Where was this decision taken, by whom (how many) and in which forum?
I would have accepted if this had been expressed in a different way. For example, “a number (specify the number) of core developers have analyzed the pros- and cons- of this change during a discussion on IRC (or, whatever) and reached the conclusion that …”
As is, it sounds like me and my mate (group of two) don’t like this hence … veto.
The other aspect, which actually is the fundamental part of it, is that no one ever said this should be default, as mentioned already several times, I would never vote for this to be default. What’s happening is the fear of what might happen has overcast the whole discussion.

> So, use it then.  Nobody is stopping you.

Yes, because I’m lazy and keeping this patch on moving target files requires manual work which I would rather spend on other things. And please read jperkins comments. This is opt-in ONLY.

Finally, I would like to address the comment from nia@
Yes, I’m dropping this now, it has indeed been a valuable learning experience and I don’t mind my ego getting bruised.

Over and out.

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