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Re: RaspberryPi 4 UEFI firmware v1.41 weirdness
El 13/3/25 a las 19:10, Martin Husemann escribió:
On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 07:01:37PM +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote:
netbsd-x260# fdisk sd0
3: GPT Protective MBR (sysid 238)
start 1, size 32767 (16 MB, Cyls 0/0/2-2/10/8)
PBR is not bootable: Bad magic number (0x0000)
gpt show sd0
instead of fdisk. And maybe the difference to your other method is that
the card used MBR instead of GPT? I don't know anything about RPi firmware...
Yess, Martin it works with arm64mbr.img! Thanks!
With arm64.img:
netbsd-x260# gpt show sd0
start size index contents
0 1 MBR
1 1 Pri GPT header
2 4 Pri GPT table
6 32762 Unused
32768 163840 1 GPT part - EFI System
196608 3317760 2 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2
3514368 2043 Unused
3516411 4 Sec GPT table
3516415 1 Sec GPT header
3516416 240760832 Unused
With arm64mbr.img:
netbsd-x260# fdisk sd0
Disk: /dev/rsd0
NetBSD disklabel disk geometry:
cylinders: 119276, heads: 64, sectors/track: 32 (2048 sectors/cylinder)
total sectors: 244277248, bytes/sector: 512
BIOS disk geometry:
cylinders: 1024, heads: 255, sectors/track: 63 (16065 sectors/cylinder)
total sectors: 244277248
Partitions aligned to 2048 sector boundaries, offset 63
Partition table:
0: Primary DOS with 32 bit FAT - LBA (sysid 12)
start 32768, size 163840 (80 MB, Cyls 2/10/9-12/60/48), Active
1: NetBSD (sysid 169)
start 196608, size 3319808 (1621 MB, Cyls 12/60/49-218/226/8)
PBR is not bootable: All bytes are identical (0x00)
First active partition: 0
Drive serial number: 0 (0x00000000)
It works fine!
Curious that v1.41 firmware and arm64.img image is supposed to work to
Jun Ebihara as he told in port-arm list and does not here... I do not
know... :-) it is a bug of UEFI firmware? Could RPi4 EEPROM version
affect the result? (I updated it recently). Sorry but my understanding
of all of this is very limited.
Jun says:
- NetBSD-current 10.99.12 evbarm-aarch64 202503110400Z arm64.img from
"RPI4 status:
- boot via UEFI_VER=v1.41"
So we are using the same thing, I think.
Many thanks indeed.
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