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Re: RaspberryPi 4 UEFI firmware v1.41 weirdness

Thanks so much Martin, I am downloading the arm64mbr.img and we will see what happens!

El 13/3/25 a las 19:10, Martin Husemann escribió:
On Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 07:01:37PM +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote:
netbsd-x260# fdisk sd0
3: GPT Protective MBR (sysid 238)
     start 1, size 32767 (16 MB, Cyls 0/0/2-2/10/8)
         PBR is not bootable: Bad magic number (0x0000)


	gpt show sd0

instead of fdisk. And maybe the difference to your other method is that
the card used MBR instead of GPT? I don't know anything about RPi firmware...


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