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Syslog.conf and remote logging from other devices to a NetBSD server

I am trying to configure syslogd under NetBSD so that it writes all messages sent to it from another host to a separate file.

I began with a fresh install of NetBSD 10. The entire HDD was used for NetBSD.

After installation, I appended the following line to /etc/rc.conf :

        syslogd_flags="-n -S -T -v -v"

so that syslogd would listen on port 514, does not perform hostname lookups, syncs kernel messages to disk immediately, always use the local time and date for messages received from the network, and verbose logging.

I created /etc/ifconfig.re0 and populated it with the relevant details for the interface.

After rebooting, I could see that messages were being received from the host in question (, and the messages were being placed in /var/log/messages.

So, based on what I had read in the syslog.conf(5) man page, I appended the following to /etc/syslog.conf :

        *.*                                /var/log/host1

and created the file with :

        touch /var/log/host1

However, even after a reboot the desired result is not occurring. There is nothing being written to /var/log/host1, even though the messages from are still being received and written to /var/log/messages.

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong here?

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