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Re: issues with newer intel CPUs?

On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 14:11, Greg Troxel <> wrote:
> I am about to get a box with an i7-12700 (12th gen).  These seem to have
> regular vs low-energy cores or something.
> I plan to run NetBSD 10.  I don't really care if the scheduling is off
> and this leads to some jobs running on slower cores, as it will be
> mostly running domUs to build packages and netbsd base and things like
> that.
> But, I wanted to ask: has anybody run on a 12th gen i7 or similar, and
> is this "works fine" or is it "run screaming"?

For a near miss datapoint - on an equivalent 13th Gen i7-13700 server
box (no need for x11, so not tried) everything seems quite happy.

"time ./ -j 22 -U release" for netbsd-10 takes 22:33, which
seems snappy enough


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