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Re: pkg_rolling-replace and mismatched version


replying to myself. I wanted to run lintpkgsrc too

I think maybe perl is missing? I have my locally build binary package.

However, it doesn't install.

sudo pkg_add -v /usr/packages/All/perl-5.38.2.tgz
pkg_add: no pkg found for '/usr/packages/All/perl-5.38.2.tgz', sorry.
pkg_add: 1 package addition failed

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   18M May 17 18:32 perl-5.38.2.tgz

Mystery is that lintpkgsrc did check:

=> Full dependency perl>=5.36: found perl-5.36.0
But pkg_info told me it wasn't there.. how can this check pass?

eowyn$ perl
-sh: perl: not found

I thus got perl from the prebuild binaries and installed it. Now lintpgsrc is running... it will take some time on this oldie. But I wonder what's going on.


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