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Re: ffmpeg6 drawtext option question


Thank you very much for the heads up on this. I will go ahead and recompile.

In the meantime I read around a bit and found a work around by using ffmpeg instead of ffmpeg6. The necessary features for what I needed are apparently compiled in by default so it just works out of the box.

On 28/05/24 at 08:40P, RVP wrote:
On Tue, 28 May 2024, Michael Lowery Wilson wrote:

However, I get the below result instead:

[AVFilterGraph @ 0x7eb5fb57f580] No such filter: 'drawtext'
[vost#0:0/libx264 @ 0x7eb5fb53a500] Error initializing a simple filtergraph
Error opening output file timestamped-recording.mp4.

That error message is correct; there's no `drawtext' filter compiled in:

$ ffmpeg6 -filters 2>&1 | fgrep drawtext

Which points toward an issue with the drawtext filter. I have checked and my version of ffmpeg6 is compiled with the --enable-libfreetype flag by default, which is required for the drawtext filter:

According to the current docs. you also need `--enable-libharfbuzz' now:

Can you recompile with libharfbuzz added, then tell the pkgsrc folks if that



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