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Re: Mailing List Oddity

On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:58 Andrew Ball <> wrote:
Why is there a regional-london mailing list but no regional-uk? -Andy

I think mainly because a number of us were working in London, and with the occasional guest visitor swanning in, enlightening us, then exiting stage left, we used regional-london to arrange meetups. Definitely not looking down on the areas outside London, most of which are far superior anyway, although they're all on the road less travelled (just taking one superlative region at random, Glasgow, to prove my point beyond question). But a regional-weegie list might not have as much of a pull as regional-london. Just saying

My personal opinion is that regional lists work best for metropolitan area scale coordination 

Now onto the vexing questions of whether the uk is a region at all, why regional-uk would not work for the poor folks in the Isle of Man, why London, Ohio, USA folks are always late for regional-london get-togethers, regions where abs would deliver vaxen to, etc


PS. If there's a good crowd anywhere who would benefit from a (metro-area?) mailing list for coordination, let's hear about them

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