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Re: cctlds in wtf

Jan Schaumann <> writes:

> It's not uncommon for me to want to easily look up
> what country a specific ccTLD is for (literally "wtf
> is md").  I was wondering if people objected to adding
> the whole catalog to acronyms.comp for wtf(1)?

I don't think this is a good idea (which should be read as an
objection).  These aren't acronyms; they are codepoints, and a vast
number of 2-letter combinations have values.  It seems like a tremendous
amount of noise.  If you want to look up a 2-letter or 3-letter country
code, that's a different question than asking for an acronym.  Jeremy
has pointed out that it's there already.

> If people see value in adding those, would you also
> want to have the gTLDs added?  I kinda feel like
> that'd be too many.

It is definitely too many, and in the wrong place.

Now, if you want to add an argument -c or something to wtf(6) so that it
looks up the argument which must be a 2 or 3 letter cc instead of
treating it as an acronym, by consulting /usr/share/misc/country or
domain, that seems ok.

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