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Running NetBSD as qemu guest on laptop, camouflaging as host

I'd like to run NetBSD on laptops, but lack of support for 2 things - Wifi
and touchpad have always kept me from doing so.

With virtualization support in most laptop processors, it is possible to
run NetBSD as a guest OS, without must loss of performance, to work around
the above issues.

So, what can be done to make the guest look as much host as possible -
i.e. to make it feel like NetBSD, to the extent possible. E.g.

We can possibly configure Linux to auto-login to a user and start X11
automatically with qemu as X client. (Or any other way to get NetBSD login
prompt directly?)

Would audio and video playbacks work with near native performance and what
qemu options would be needed for that?

At present I am experimenting with such setup. But haven't managed to get
things right as yet. E.g.

- once I say startx on the qemu guest, the geometry of the X session
  doesn't match that of the host. Takes some manual adjustments to make it
  fit the screen.

- haven't been able to pass audio device to qemu as yet

- firefox SEGVs on the guest, may be a sign of display related issues


Any help or advice in this regard will be really useful.


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