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Re: Qemu/nvmm - time in NetBSD guest system lags behind (with estd on host)

Hi Robert,

please allow me one mor more question....

On 04.09.22 10:42, Matthias Petermann wrote:
Hi Robert,

On 04.09.22 02:58, Robert Elz wrote:
if that implies that you rebuilt the kernel with HZ=1000 and then used
the zfs module built with HZ=100 then I think the first thing I would try
would be to rebuild the module(s?) with HZ=1000

Good point... I'll try that right away. This might coincide with my observation (race condition when initializing the ZPOOL, mail from just now).

I did build the kernel with as follows:

$ cd /build/netbsd-93-1000hz/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/conf
$ vi VHOST

    options		HZ=1000

$ cd /build/netbsd-93-1000hz/usr/src/
$ mkdir ../obj
$ ./ -O ../obj -j 4 -U tools
$ ./ -O ../obj -j 4 -U kernel=VHOST
$ ./ -O ../obj -U releasekernel=VHOST

...and picked it up from
for deployment on the actual vhost.

While for the *kernel* / *releasekernel* target the name of the kernel configuration to be used can be provided, I don't see such an option for the *modules* target. How can I make sure the modules are built with the HZ option set in VHOST config? Or does it simply adapt these from a previous run of the *kernel* target?

Kind regards

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