Greetings, While setting up a BitTorrent server with /net/transmission, I noticed the package doesn't install a service script for the transmission-daemon inside $LOCALBASE/share/examples/rc.d; I wondered if there's any specific reason for this to be a default choice. In the meantime, I decided to create a rc.d script like the one below, and the server is currently up and running. ################### #!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: transmission # REQUIRE: DAEMON . /etc/rc.subr name="transmission" rcvar=$name command="/usr/pkg/bin/transmission-daemon" command_args="-g/home/transmission/config" pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" load_rc_config $name transmission_user="transmission" run_rc_command "$1" check_process ${command} > ${pidfile} ###################### Best regards, PVO -- ~ Paolo Vincenzo Olivo ~ <> SDF Public Access UNIX System - PGP Key fingerprint = 39F1 9E55 77AF 6BF3 005 B181 8F2A 9A4D 9001 2186
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