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Re: pthread_mutexattr_setpshared ??

=> In summary, people should use simpler/better designs, i.e. single
=> process with multiple threads and that is it. No need to over-engineer
=> it.

   My $DAYJOB is working on an open source database/runtime system which
has run with multiple processes and shared memory from day one, where
day one was over 25 years ago. I introduced PSHARED mutexes/conditions
to the software as an alternative to existing spin/yield/sleep locks,
which are known to perform pretty badly in userland at scale. (I.e.,
large systems with tens of thousands of processes context switching
themselves to death.) The PSHARED mutexes and the robust futex
implementation underlying them provided some much needed stability at
the top end.

   To be clear, I have no need to run this software on NetBSD, but I
wanted to present a case where this facility can be used to solve Real
World problems.

                              Gary Duzan

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