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Re: pkgsrc sudo pam support writes:

> Is there a good reason why the binary package for sudo doesn't support
> PAM? Should I be using something else?

I think the reason is that a lot of people are not comfortable with PAM.

The package appears to have a pam option.  It's not clear to me why skey
and kerberos and PMA are mutually exclusive, but probably if I tried to
turn on multiple of them I would figure it out :-)

So put "PKG_OPTIONS.sudo+=pam" in /etc/mk.conf and rebuild sudo.

make show-options says:

Any of the following general options may be selected:
        ldap     Enable LDAP support.
        nls      Use native language support.
At most one of the following auth options may be
        kerberos         Enable Kerberos support.
        pam      Enable PAM support.
        skey     Enable S/Key support.

These options are enabled by default:

These options are currently enabled:

You can select which build options to use by setting PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
or PKG_OPTIONS.sudo.

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