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Re: A single-board computer for NetBSD (Andreas Krey) writes:

>On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 21:35:20 +0000, Niels Dettenbach ( wrote:
>> Sound???s nice that RPIs are used with NetBSD from someones.

>The process istn't quite as painless as with Raspbian.

It's less effort than most other NetBSD installations. Copy
image to SD card, boot from it and wait until the image
has been grown to the SD card size. Of course now you have
to collect and install the packages you need.

>I had my VLAN-based router setup previously on a raspberry, 
>and the effect was that there would be interrupt warnings
>for the internal interface (which is also USB-based) that
>I don't remember in detail, and sooner or later (every few
>days) the interface would lock up, and I set up a cronjob
>that would reboot the box where wasn't pingable for
>a while. Once or twice the reboot didn't work then either.

I'm using an RPI as a desktop system with a USB system disk
(the SD card is only used to boot the kernel). And while
that may be less demanding on USB than a router, it is stable.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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