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Re: fc-cache issue with NetBSD-7?

John Klos a écrit :

    I cannot answer, but it is not a good idea to use netbsd-7. I
experiment a lot of disk corruption (ffs2 with log) since my last
upgrade of netbsd-7 (8th of january, 2015, amd64). I have downgraded
my system to netbsd-7-0 (cvs).

It's funny you say that - I've had all sorts of problems with WAPBL on
netbsd-7 on PowerPC, and even had one lockup (without console, though)
of my Alpha that I was guessing might've been WAPBL related. I don't
have enough data to talk about Alpha, but I can say with certainty that
WAPBL on PowerPC is broken.

I dont' know if it's funny... :-( A piece of code is somewhere buggy. I suspect a mutex or sync error as I've seen some directory corruption (directory allocated but without . and .. inside), strange kernel panics related to ffs. Yesterday, I have interrupted a cvs update and filesystem was totally corrupted.

For now, I'll stick with netbsd-7 without WAPBL to see if it's stable.
If I experience any problems, I'll try netbsd-7-0.



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