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Re: Install i386 or amd64?

lsst these ramblings lead someone down a wrong path...

On Thu, Feb 06, 2014 at 01:21:03AM +0000, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> I would install i386-wine on a separate i386 installation, so even if that 
> doesn't work when mounted on /compat/i386 from amd64, it might still work 
> from i386 standalone.

Given your track record here I would be very circumspect about doing
anything that you would do.

> Anyway, how do COMPAT_NETBSD32, COMPAT_LINUX and COMPAT_LINUX32 work in 
> amd64, or how would I make NetBSD-i386, Linux-amd64 and Linux-i386 
> executables work from NetBSD-amd64?  Or would it be nonworkable?

COMPAT_* work.  As I said before what does not work is wine on amd64 due
to lack of 32bit GDT support.  Quite simply, if you want to use wine on
NetBSD then use i386 - the fact that FreeBSD may (or not) have support
is quite academic.

Brett Lymn
Staple Guns: because duct tape doesn't make that KerCHUNK sound -

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