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Re: Routing/pf (again)

In article <>,
Konrad Neuwirth  <> wrote:
>Dear reader, 
>recently I asked about routing to multiple destinations via different
>gateways. We've set up appropriate pf rules, but they seem to mostly be
>The appropriate parts are: 
>pass out on $ext_if_fix reply-to ($ext_if_dsl $dsl_gw) proto tcp from
>any to any port www
>pass in on wm4 route-to ($ext_if_fix $fix_gw) from $cps_adr to any
># pass out on $ext_if_dsl from $cps_adr route-to ($ext_if_fix $fix_gw)  
>### filter ###
>pass in proto icmp from any to any
>pass in proto udp from any to any
>pass in proto tcp from any to any
>pass out proto icmp from any to any
>pass out proto udp from any to any
>pass out  proto tcp from any to any
>But it appears that all traffic to port 80 still goes out via ext_if_fix
>instead of ext_if_dsl. 
>We're on NetBSD 6.1.1/amd64, if that matters. 
>I am rather at loss ? 

How is npf working on 6.1? Does it have this feature?


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